MANOR London COVID-19 Health & Safety Guidelines
What we will be doing to keep you safe:
- All of our own employees have been fully briefed on the measures that we have in place and how they can help implement them
- We will be checking temperatures upon arrival. So if you’ve ran to the gym, cool off for 5 before coming in
- We are reducing the number of clients in our gyms at any time, including class occupancy, Personal Training and Open Gym usage :).
- Social distancing: we have spaced all of our training zones to allow for 2m distancing
- We have reduced our capacities by 50% until guided otherwise by the government
- We have enhanced cleaning measures which will be done between every single session across all of our gyms.
- The gyms have been fogged by Deep Cleaning Virus Co. (http://www.dcvco.co.uk/) with a solution that kills the virus on any surface for 30 days. We will be getting this done once a month
- Allocated time has been allowed in the schedule for cleaning daily
By attending a private/group session at MANOR London, I acknowledge and accept that there are risks associated with COVID-19 as a result of attending my appointment. MANOR London cannot accept responsibility for transmission of COVID-19.
Please help by doing the following things before your appointment:
- Please stay at home if you have any COVID- related symptoms and give us 24 hours’ notice if you need to cancel.
- Please keep all bags & belongings in the dedicated areas. Most of our studios have cubby holes, where these aren’t available, the coach will instruct where items should be kept.
- Please wear face coverings when in communal areas. It is not compulsory to wear the mask when you are working out.
- Everyone entering the gym must sanitise their hands before the session and sanitise their own equipment after the session. There will be a sanitising station’s accessible at every gym and sanitisation equipment within every training zone.
- Wipe down your equipment with the provided wipes/disinfectant after your session. Leave the gym promptly after this has been completed.
- Arrive ready for the session, as numbers of people in the changing rooms/toilets are limited. There will be no waiting area outside the studio, so please wait outside the MANOR front door (or designated areas in MCP) before your session begins.
- Showers will not be available between March 29th – April 10th. From April 12th onward, use of the showers will be permitted at the user’s discretion.