For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack….
There’s strength in numbers.
We pride ourselves on the community we have built here at MANOR. We strive to find ways to create a warm and welcoming environment, one where we do not pass judgement on others and whereby, we help and inspire each other. No egos. No selfies. No peacocks.
As we regroup and rebuild our member base, we urge each one you (especially those long-standing members), to keep an eye out for any newbies and encourage and uplift them. Give them a fist bump, provide encouragement and cheer them on…. you were all a newbie once!
… and don’t forget we have a free 7-day trail offer at the moment too! Help us rebuild by bringing in your mates and showing them how to get it done!
Click here for more info