It’s been a long time coming and we are very happy that there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel.
As you can imagine, the pandemic has severely impacted our business and we would just like to thank all of our incredible community for supporting us through these tough times.
Our aim is to open up each site slowly and tentatively. Not only to steadily increase the operational demand, but also to minimise the financial burden and to preserve our life span. We appreciate that training at SW1 for the initial part may not be ideal, but it’s a damn sight better than it was before?! We are really grateful for your patience and we promise you, you will be back to your MANOR before you know it.
In the meantime, and something we will be keeping on the timetable indefinitely is the live training schedule with MANOR On Demand. This will now be a part of your MANORship and to compliment your physical sessions; particularly if you’ll be working from home a few days a week. This is an area we have invested a lot of time and energy into ensure we can continue to add value for you guys and make sure you’re always able to get in a session and stay connected!
Anyhow, without further ado, please see the detail, of how we will re-emerge from lockdown.
Re-opening timeline
** Please note, this schedule has been advised by the government and is subject to change. But at this point, we can only play the hand that has been dealt.
Not long to go guys – see you soon!