It’s a wrap! (for now, at least)
Last week marked the end of the ELEVATE project in its current format.
Our intention was to support our communities (staff and members) mental and physical health through lockdown and to help us thrive and not just survive. Hopefully, we fulfilled this intention through what was a very tough time. You guys certainly had a positive impact on me, Matt and all the team at MANOR, and we want to say a huge thanks for that.
Personal development is never ending and although things are starting to re-open and we are all getting busier, it’s important we still make time for ourselves. As we adapt into another new phase of living, we too are going to evolve the format of the ELEVATE project, and how we can further support one another.
Please give us a few weeks to work on how we can best develop the project and we will be back with a bang! Our aim is to refine, make it more accessible as we return to work and continue to add value and support as we navigate our way through life.
Thanks again to you all and if you need any extra support from us in the meantime (or anything else), you know where we are.
Charlie, Matt and the MANOR team.